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A Whole System Approach for the energy sector

Stephen Nash

All too often it is easy to miss the connections between the different issues that we tackle in the energy sector. Kuungana Advisory has recently been working with DFID, through the ICED facility, on a number of projects to tackle this.

Kuungana has been working with DFID over the past year and a half to develop a Whole Systems Approach, which is design to provide a common framework for analysing the energy sector in less developed countries, ensuring that all of the relevant issues are considered. The tool is designed for use by advisors engaging with a new country, or for scoping and inception studies. Two documents have been published that provide a comprehensive overview of the Whole System Approach (WSA):

1. An introductory guide to the WSA

2. The full WSA tool

Kuungana has also worked on two papers exploring current issues in the energy sector – in particular in sub-Saharan Africa – illustrating the value of WSA framework:

The first paper analyses the issue of surplus power generation capacity in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and explores what this means for interventions in the sector over the coming years.

The second paper analyses the impact of energy imports on the financial sustainability of a country’s energy sector.


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